Decorative & Fine Art painting have taken Deeba around the world, where she has painted beauty in homes and businesses for over 25 years. She is now living in a “chocolate box” river town along the St. Croix River, and has included illustrating, pattern design and stationary designs to her practice.
Services now include:
Stationary Design (letterhead, notes, cards, business cards)
Patterning (wallpaper, wrapping paper & fabric)
Posters, Prints, Paintings & Postcards
Illustrations for Children’s Books
Illustrations for advertisements & marketing materials
Creative Coaching Service: Solving creative blocks, defining style, & creative support
Memberships have included: San Diego Writers Academy, Minnesota Center for Book Arts (past member), Arts Alive in Encinitas, CA, Carlsbad ArtSplash in California, Classes in restoration of furniture, porcelain and books.
Should you be interested in hiring Deeba, seeing her portfolio, or purchasing some of her work, please reach out via email. She’s always ready to create!